Mini-Circuits’ Designer’s Kit Packs 18-GHz Cable Assemblies

Mini-Circuits’ model KHFC4-086+ Coaxial Cables Designer’s Kit packs a total of 18 cable assemblies: three each of five differently terminated coaxial cable assemblies for applications from DC to 18 GHz. The RoHS-compliant cable assemblies are constructed with hand-formable 0.086-in.-diameter cables with tight minimum bend radius of 6 mm for tight spaces. They are supplied in 6-in. lengths (other lengths are available upon request) with different types of SMA connectors. The five different cable assembly models in the kit are model 086-6SB+ with SMA female with bulkhead to SMA female with bulkhead connectors; model 086-6SBSM+ with SMA female with bulkhead to SMA male connectors; model 086-6SM+ with standard SMA male to standard SMA male connectors; model 086-6MR+ with right-angle SMA male to right-angle SMA male connectors; and model 086-6SMRSM+ with right-angle SMA male to standard SMA male connectors.

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