Mini-Circuits’ Gain Equalizer Dice Kit Levels DC to 20 GHz

Mini-Circuits’ model K1-EQY-24-DG+ Gain Equalizer Dice Designer’s Kit is a handy assortment of broadband GaAs MMIC dice for leveling the amplitude response of RF/microwave power amplifiers from DC to 20 GHz. The kit provides a total of 35 50-Ω gain equalizers, 5 each of 7 different models, with amplitude responses characterized by decreasing loss with increasing frequency. As an example, model EQY-2-24-DG+ has nominal 2-dB attenuation at the lowest frequencies, decreasing at increasing frequencies. Typical insertion loss is 3.0 dB at DC, 1.8 dB at 10 GHz, and 0.9 dB at 20 GHz. The typical VSWR ranges from 1.04:1 at DC to 1.26:1 at 20 GHz. In contrast, model EQY-12-24-DG+ has nominal attenuation of 12 dB with typical insertion loss of 13.4 dB at DC, 6.6 dB at 10 GHz, and 1.5 dB at 20 GHz. The VSWR ranges from 1.10:1 at DC to 1.44:1 at 20 GHz. The equalizers are designed to handle power levels as high as 2.5 W

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