חדשות היום

Power-Tap Die Runs DC to 50 GHz

Mini-Circuits’ model HK-PT54-DG+ is a MMIC power-tap die for coupling small amounts of power from DC to 50 GHz for monitoring and test. The 50-Ω component maintains typical ±1.4-dB coupling flatness across the full frequency range. Typical insertion loss is 0.8 dB from DC to 30 GHz and 1.1 dB from 30 to 50 GHz. Typical mainline VSWR is 1.27:1 or better while typical coupled port VSWR is 1.39:1 or better. The chip coupler is bidirectional and can sample power levels from its input or output ports. It can handle maximum short-term (5 min. or less) input power level of +31 dBm and continuous power as high as +27 dBm. The coupler measures 720 × 750 × 100 μm and is designed for operating temperatures of -55 to +105°C.

MINI-CIRCUITS, P.O. Box 350166, Brooklyn, NY 11235-0003; (718) 934-4500,


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